Friday, November 20, 2009

The isle of Phuket...and our new home

Yahoo we made it to the fabulous , famous, Phuket. It`s the largest island in Thailand . We checked into our hotel, freshened up and made our way to the beach, had a nice evening walk on the icing sugar sand, and found ourselves at a busy beach bar, had a must do, coconut rum drink and a fancy pineapple one too, all decorated up with fruit and flowers, and then the rain came, cleared out the place , we waited until it let up and started our way back to our hotel. And then, the rain really started to come down, holy rain drops batman, had to get out of it , we were soaked. A man at a bar said to come in out of the rain and wait here, he said we didn`t have to order a drink, (we were so full from dinner and the fancy booze drinks) we waited for a bit and then before we new it, the owner Reinhart of this funky bar named Karma has ordering us red wine , soon to be followed by shots of sambuca (many). We then met other expats, all bar owners and before we new it , they were setting us up to meet them the next day to help us find a bungello. Barry from Britain who owns the Banana Bar along with his wife Tuk (pronounced touque), met us at 11;00 and we drove around and checked out 4 places. We decided to go for the least expensive one , which also turned out to be the quietest. Nice to get away from the street noise! All the people we have met have been so friendly, they say they want to help because no one did for them and it will just make our stay here better. It`s been a fairly easy adjustment except for the extreme heat, we are adjusting fine.
One more night to go and then we get to move into our new home. Barry also is hooking us up with with a deal on a scooter, we have decided to make this our home for the next 50 days. We feel that things are just meant to be ...que sera sera.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how envious I am. Have a great adventre and I will be waiting for your next chapter. More pictures?
    Oh things are status quo with us.
    Love you, Denise
