Biggest, best news, Bristol had a baby boy born April 23 weighing in at 8lbs 7oz, Henry Raymond. We are excited to be grandparents and look forward to the first visit. This month we have new son in law Chris join the family and now a grandson, the tree is growing. We celebrated first with a bottle of champagne, poolside, then later in the evening went out for a fantastic Thai dinner at one of our special oceanside restaurants! Together we shared our favourites, green curry soup, seafood salad, tamarin prawns and pad thai. We know Henry would of liked it too. The day after he was born we went to see the Big Buddha of Phuket. It is the largest Buddha in the world. Set on a hilltop and visible from most places on the island, surrounded with spectacular views and home to many monks. We purchased a white marble square block that will be placed onto the statue and dedicated it to Henry. This is a very spiritual place as well as peaceful. We felt it would be a perfect blessing for a great new beginning for the little guy. We are not going to spoil him at all ( ya right), is'nt that one of the duties of being grandparents? Went with a few of our English neighbors on a long tail boat to snorkel around Coral island. We found out why it is named that later in the day when we were treated to some of the biggest pieces of coral that we have ever seen. Some were the size of our old truck. Wished we had a water proof camera, hope to return to this area again. The group we were with had been here many times before but it took Steve exploring the area to find this huge outcrop of wonder. We were also able to watch a Thai man spear fishing just a few feet from us. It did'nt take him too long to catch supper. We went for a hamburger at a restaurant recommended by the English blokes. Yummy, cheese, mushrooms, bacon, it's been months since we have eaten beef. For Steve later on it was not sitting well but I have a cast iron stomach, so as the Russian friends would say,"is no problem". Speaking of them, we have had a few very funny skype conversations and they would like us to come and visit them and also to meet in Phuket March of 2011. They will be back, but this time with their family and parents and want to hang out again.We're so lucky and have met some incredible characters in our travels. Experience builds character, hope to have many, many varied experiences.
So much to do , so little time. Went to a great little used book store Steve found on one of our many outings. Happy to say I even get excited going into one now. Gone are the days thinking reading was a part of a punishment. This store was full of good reads and three kitty cats. The friendliest being the youngest that would cut you off when you walked around the store, one middle aged with a who cares attitude and one old one with his fur falling out. We will be back for more exchanges with the store owner and her cats.
More time at the beach, more photos of the jelly fish, I wonder if they are like snow flakes where no two are alike. They sure appear to be the same same, but different.