Thursday, February 4, 2010

Kite surfing , sand dunes and banking express

Time is on our side and we have decided to hang here for two weeks. It will allow us the priviledge of having our hotel do our visa run to Saigon and for Steve to log more time at school and now it's more practice time for him with the kite and the surfboard. He is doing great and has been up and riding. He is now at level 2 with only one ripped kite. Most impressive as some things that looks easy, are not. He's had to give up a few days kite surfing as the winds are not always strong enough unless your a really good lightweight or have a super large kite. So on those days we have taken our moped out to discover the area. We found the white sand dunes on our own. It took a few u-turns and quizzing a few locals since english is not spoken off the beaten path. Well worth the effort since the white sand dunes are even more impressive than the red sand dunes. We did not slide as we watched a couple others try. The friction between the magic carpet and sand is a very slow go. People were using legs and hands in a feeble attempt to propel down the hill. Had a stressful time at the bank the other day. While signing lots of paperwork I did not notice that we had asked for 20 million dong but the teller thought it was 9o million dong instead. She confused the 2 for a 7. No wonder it was taking twice as long as before because when they called us to the more private side teller to
pick up the dong it was 4 thousand US dollars. Yikes!!! We definitely don't want to be carry that amount around and we were also surprised that our master card would give us that in one transaction. Now my brousin Dale and friend Fran (bankers) will get a laugh out of this fiasco. They'll be happy to not have to work in the branches here as their banks open from 7:30am-11:30am, close for lunch, reopen from 1:00pm-4:00pm, siesta-dinner and open again from 7:30pm-10:30pm. Those are some crazy banking hours. So when this transaction went down and said we do not want that much money it started to involve many other tellers, managers and it was now close to 11:30. They asked us to return after 1:00 and they would have it corrected for us. We take for granted the speed and service we get back home. So off for lunch and wandered around the mall. I had broken the clasp on my chin strap so we had it repaired. This is the third time so far our my trip that I have done something to my helmet. Do you think I`m a little hard on things? Oh well.

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