Saturday, February 27, 2010

Last memories on the Isle of Phu Quoc

We had a most memorable last day on the island. Reminisced about our adventures and escapades in Phu Quoc. The resort slip ons, complementary foot ware for lounging, beach, or pool use. We know no one wants to wear shoes that have been on my size 1o`s, and we really don`t want to wear anyone else's either. But others do! We laughed about the Vietnamese shuffle, it's a distinct dragging of the feet, who cares I`m tired kinda shuffle. Now don`t get me wrong as these people have to put up with lots of tourist crap and some of the rudest cultures that I have been exposed to ( busloads of fudging Chinese and loud rude Russians). I can understand their lack of excitement. Fortunately we know how to smile and found it can take us a long way on our travels. When we were checking out of our hotel we had some of the food servers and hotel security poke their heads out to wave and say goodbye. We are so very lucky! The old sayings that our mothers taught us right and treat others as you would want to be treated, man oh man is it ever a truism!
We've seen pearls in a variety of colors, from the traditional white and cream to soft coral/peach tones to pretty shades of pinks and mauves. Many varied shades of blue to dark grey, then black. All very beautiful!
We have seen and biked across many dusty unpaved roads,past many pepper plantations, swam threw needle (jellyfish choppings) warm waters. Ate our fair share of french bagettes, interesting fruits, and carbo loading pasta dishes and seafood of all shapes, sizes and flavours.
We are happy and fully recovered from the food poisoning and whatever Stevo had, now we joke about it. I have stopped asking him 20 times a day, how are you doing, how do you feel? I'm sure he's happy for that.
Last day beach walk , reading poolside and a little ocean side massage will complete the day. We had a fun visit and shared some wine and much laughter with the massage lady, Thamb, the night before we made use of her services. I had a most relaxing time, then she started to remove the unwanted hair between my eyebrows with thread and then proceeded to remove all those light hairs that are on everyone's forehead. You know the ones that are there to help keep the sweat from running into your eyes, well mine are all gone now. She wanted to remove all the facial hair from my cheeks to my chin but that is where I drew the line! I had visions of it later growing back and becoming a neanderthal woman! Oh what a scary vision that would be. I would have to style my hair with bangs for life! So I thought the best thing to do was make sure Steve had the same experience, that way we could both relate to the experience! So I extracted Steve from poolside and lead him to the relaxing massage lounger and while he was laying on his back, I motioned Thamb to remove a few back hairs. So now the relaxed feeling you have after massage was gone and we would joke and laugh and ask when she is going to start putting bamboo shoots under our nails. She did a whopper of a job and was able to inflict the same torture on him to upwards of 45 minutes. Even after the hairs have grown back these moments will stay with us forever!

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