Hopped into a taxi with Steve, Cody and Lindsay to check out Los Frailles beach which is about an hour north of Montanita. This beach is part of Ecuador's only coastal national park, the Parque National Machalila. It is one of the most threatened tropical forests in the world. Created in 1979 this park preserves a small part of the country's rapidly vanishing coastal habitats, protecting about 50 km of beach (less than 2% of Ecuador's coast line), some 40,000 hectares of tropical dry forest and cloud forest and about 20,000 hectares of ocean including offshore islands of which Isla de la Plata (poor mans Galapagos) being the most important. En route the taxi driver takes the corners at faster speeds than I would, screeching tires and all! We arrive, sign in, pay the park fee, and go through a little security check. There are signs for picking up all your garbage and leave nothing unchanged! Forward thinkers yippee! Not too much here as there aren't any stores only a small tented area to purchase drinks and rent umbrella's. There are three ocean bays to checkout and fortunately we picked the best one, later I read one beach had manta rays and the other had heavy riptides with no life guards! The waves here were mild rollers, perfect for cooling off, swimming, and body surfing. I recognized many different cacti previously seen in Arizona. Prickly pear, sedums and tall spindly candelabra cacti and others to remain nameless Very cool to enjoy while seaside. After a salty day we had enough fresh water to rinse and make our trip home a bit more comfortable! While leaving the beach it started to sprinkle, perfect timing! Our original taxi driver picked us up and safely slowed down for the wet road conditions, mui bueno! He was even happy to pull over and pick up a few cold cervesa's! Great day at the beach!
One night Cody and I went for a walk in our local hood and wandered into a pool hall to play a game. Because of the high humidity they have these gloves that cover 1/3 of your hand for easy smooth gliding! I felt like a pro! LOL! Later Cody played the pool hall owner and they were close in ability (Cody's a good player)! He'd win then the owner would, it ended up with Cody paying $18.00 for his losses but that also included his beer tab! Heavy rain hit us walking back to our hotel which just added to the quality time with my nephew!
Woke up to more rain and flooding in the streets! Noticed a huge crowd down the beach and could see that the river had busted loose so I head over to check it out. What a scene! Lots of locals slogging upstream and hand catching fish! This river is more like a slew having walked by it and smell alone told a stagnate story. Today is Easter Sunday and perhaps a biblical event has given the people an abundance of fish to eat! The black paste from the muddy waters covered the lucky locals who dared to waddle in. People were using their shirts, garbage bags, buckets, or whatever to haul fish. What a sight and what a blessing for local mud and fish lovers! This went on for hours! Happy Easter to all!
More beach time, more malicon posers and more performances in the streets. Always something to see, look at it! What we do notice is the lack of good live musica! Lawrence or The Bagdaddies would really make it big here!
Well the day has come for Cody and his girlfriend to depart. Walked them to the corner to meet their taxi and ran into our buddy Roberto, even he sensed they were leaving as he came over to say his goodbyes. Hugs and waves as they began a long trip home.
It was so nice having some travel/hang time with Cody! Unplanned and here we end up in Ecuador on the same plane, coincidence...... perhaps not! Everything happens for a reason and we were happy to meet up. Travel brings out the best or worst in people, Cody's good energy makes him welcome anywhere. Cheers.
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